Time Shred Services
Member: James Dowse
Services: Document Shredding
Address: 120 Church Street, Freeport, NY 11520
Email: jamesd@timeshred.com
Website: www.timeshread.com
Telephone: (917) 836-0614
Time Shred Services is a locally owned Document Destruction company near you that services Manhattan, New York City, Long Island, Westchester, and New Jersey with a state of the art mobile shredding fleet with the highest capacity shredders in the industry. Our paper shredding trucks bring 6,000 pounds of document shredding power per hour to your location.
We are an AAA Certified member of NAID, The National Association of Information Destruction, which is the only organization dedicated to the information destruction industry that requires adherence to a strict code of conduct. The AAA Certification means our training, hiring, and service practices are so secure and highly regarded that Time Shred Services Inc. has reached the pinnacle of the document destruction industry and meets the requirements of all privacy laws.
Time Shred are the experts in their field and have years of experience with the secure destruction of confidential records. You will benefit from that experience because you will be getting advice that is built on years of servicing individuals and all types of businesses and organizations. That means better options and better service for you.